Valhalla Mountain Touring
Kootenay Cold smoke…Whit Richardson photo.
Considering I operated/owned this place for 12 years, only fitting that I try and give it a review! That being said, I do know it better than all the others, and I will try not to be biased for/against it. Every year I skied there I always found some new amazing lines to ski and never got bored, which tells you about the massive amounts of terrain available if you are keen for long and adventurous days. One of the lowest lodges at 1720m elevation. But to be honest, I would chose many other lodges to visit over this one…
Lodge ****
Terrain ***
Snow ***
Top 10 for comfiest of lodges. Private 2 person rooms, indoor plumbing, snowcat access means in/out no matter what the weather and no weight limits. Power all the time, internet, safest terrain for high hazard/storms.
Easy access to a ton of drainages, so you get to ski somewhere totally new almost every day.
High quality cooking!
Not very windy, so snow quality is usually quite good.
Tons of skiable summits, and an abundance of north facing terrain - which means almost always being able to avoid sun crusts!
This is the most accessible lodge of them all. Any time of day or night you can get out or in, which is quite comforting.
Family run and operated, you will get a good connection to the place and the people that work there.
Snowcat access is a huge strength, but it also means general public and snowmobilers can access all of the terrain, but its not usually a problem.
The groups are too big for the terrain-small lines plus big guided groups means hitting tracks. The lodge now takes 14 guests which is WAY too crowded for the lodge, facilities and the terrain.
The safest terrain moniker is also a burden when stability is good - VMT might lack easy access alpine terrain more than any other lodge; there’s always 1000’ of trees to negotiate to get to treeline, which is tough in the spring.
Lack of wind means persistent weak layers like SH can be a problem in the second half of the season. It is also in a little bit of a snowhole and doesn’t seem to get the massive dumps to flush out the weak layers.
Lots of flat miles to cover to get to the best terrain like Shannon Lake and Caribou.
When and why to ski here? December and January avalanche path storm skiing is by far and away the best thing to do at VMT. Pure fall line powder avy path runs like Big Mama, Shit for Brains, Late for Dinner and the A are as good as it gets for mid winter stormy pow skiing. If you are after big Alpine terrain or pillows look elsewhere. Got a family in tow and want to bring all the sleds and toys - it’s a great place for that!
December storm skiing at its finest at VMT
Ruby bowl with Cariboo Ridge behind and the peaks of Ice Creek Lodge in the distance.